Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thurs., Jan. 31 Clinic

My AM pt was my only potential mockboard person. I took BWs and 7 PAs of her max. dentition, and lo and behold, calculus was visible on the X-rays! She was classified as a III, and so I asked if she'd be willing to be my mockboard pt, and she was! Whew! Lots of folks were having a heck of a time finding someone.

Interestingly, her son was my PM pt, and he turned out to be a IB with a fair amount of supra calculus in his lingual anteriors. He is a former smoker, and his teeth appeared to have a generalized extinsic stain, so I was thinking it might be an idea to have him come in during my multi-pt clinic project for air powder polishing. He seemed to be up for the idea. We'll see.

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