Friday, January 18, 2008

Thurs., Jan. 17

Clinic #2 already?
AM patient was new; hard to determine her class since she didn't have X-rays (they were done 2 weeks ago by her DDS). She said she would bring them in next appt. My instructor thinks she's a II at least due to calculus and pockets, though after seeing X-rays we can look at her bone loss. Her buccal mand. ants. had some deep pockets on the straight facial with Class I mobility and angry red tissue. I think it could be beneficial to try some Atridox in this area or some subgingival irriga. with chlorhexadine.
PM patient was from Fall, had to do 3 quads to complete her. She is a class II, had lots of fun calculus, so I was able to do my second PE on ultrasonic. Fun? Yes, when it succumbs within about 5 seconds to the ultrasonic and pops out, it's fun.
Hum, need to find my mockboard pt. . .

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jan. 10 Clinic, WSU

Hey, it was the first clinic day of Spring '08!
I started with two 1As; the first was a 7 yo in for 4 sealants. I had cleaned her last Nov. I was a bit slow in the beginning, but Jeannie gave me some much-needed assistance and the process became more fluent. I definitely need to review Diagnodent, and I know the next sealant occasion will go more smoothly. However, I did successfully place 4 sealants on the pt's first molars.
The second pt was a 12 yo in for cleaning. Went well except I was rushed and missed some supra calc on ling. ants.
My PM pt. was in to finish her cleaning. We did 1 Qd. of a II. I had an exam and passed the first time, which was gratifying.
Onward and upward!