Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wed., April 9, and Thurs., April 10

AM at the VA! And Spring is in the air! My AM pt was a very interesting character as well as a class III who needed LA. He also had two areas in his mouth he needed PAs on, and as I needed 2 more PAs, I said thank you to the Powers that Be. It turned out that one of the areas (#13) was sensitive due to root exposure and the other area (#30)was OK, according to the DDS who did the exam. My PM pt was a class V, a very nice, gentlemanly man.

Back at WSU, it was the dreaded last Mockboard!
My great pt was early, as usual, and I went in the AM, which was the first time this semester. I cleaned his LL quad using ultrasonic and hand instruments. I missed 3 little areas, but passed with an 82. WHEW! And now, I know I must get into those ant. interproximal areas with more authority than previously. My pt didn't need LA, and I know I am concerned about tissue trauma. But,I also know that it's most important to remove those deposits! And, when in doubt about recession, if you can't decide between a 0 and a 1, put a 0!
In the PM I got to watch everyone else sweat, all while helping out, of course.

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